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Instructional Design - Performance Management

Original To a T Design - Mason Jar Holder made from pallet wood.

Perfection consists not in doing extraordinary  things,

but in  doing  ordinary things extraordinarily well.

~Angelique Arnauld


I once made my husband rip up half of the laminate flooring in our bedroom because he put two identical boards next to each other. I call it meticulous attention to detail, he calls it irritating. 


I am passionate about designing engaging, interactive learning experiences that empower individuals to reach their optimal level. Learn more about me here.  


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Original To a T Design, Shutter Table, Industrial Bench, Reclaimed Wooden Window Sashes

e.e. cummings

"To be nobody-but-yourself-in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else-means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting."

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